Sunday, October 19, 2008


“Coincidence is a spiritual pun” G. K. Chesterton

I had a recent experience that got me thinking about how some events appear to accidentally come together…and whether it’s all about coincidence, synchronicity (which Jung called “meaningful coincidence”), luck or destiny.

What happened was this: I was helping my mom clean out one of her closets, and we found a box of old photos of my Grandma Miller’s, who had pasted away in 1965. I came across a picture of her and my grandfather circa 1913 which would have been shortly before they got married. They were standing in front of Lake Whatcom with several other young people. The picture had been turned into a postcard and had been sent to my grandmother from her friend “Glady” (who was one of the other young women in the photo). She talked about how she’d like to come and visit my grandma up in Sumas, and at the bottom she wrote her address in Bellingham: 2221 James Street – my current office address! To say the least, I was rather shocked, but extremely happy, to know that a young woman who lived in this house, which was built in 1907, was a friend of my grandma’s. And it has brought up a lot of questions for me. Did my grandmother, from the other side, have an influence on me finding this place to rent last year? Or did Glady? Is there a deeper meaning to all of this? Is the spirit of a young woman that I saw when I first moved in here indeed that of Glady? Was it coincidence that brought me here, or coincidence that Grandma kept that postcard and I found it almost a hundred years later? I think not!

As I have never really believed in coincidence, these “co – incidences” gave me a shiver up my spine as I knew other energies were at work. Webster defines coincidence as “the act or condition of coinciding,” which I really like. It then adds a second definition of “the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection.” Hmm…by accident, my foot.

I believe that behind everything that seems to be coincidental, big or small, lays a deeper meaning. I believe these events are, in part, our higher self urging us to seek the hidden meaning behind apparent random events. Just as our sub-conscious speaks to us in symbols in our dreams, there are signs in our everyday life that need to be paid attention to.

These signs are meant to wake us up and discover more about our own selves. They can serve as messengers of important information about our present circumstances and even about our future. They can act as reflections of where we are in our life, give us insight and help us make important decisions – if we just pay attention to them.

So, what have I learned from the postcard to my grandmother? Well, being that I communicate with the deceased on an almost daily basis anyway, I had to, of course, talk to Grandma and Glady about all this. From what I can tell, they both want to validate and assist in the healing work that I do. And, they like that I am “taking care” of Glady’s house. I’m sure I will continue to discover more of the meaning behind all this, and in the meantime, I’ll take all the help I can get!
Ó Jill Miller 2008

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Recently, I read that during the “Holy Inquisition” some three million women were killed within a 300 year period. The men in power during this time were threatened by the intuitive, creative, healing power of women. Whether she was a midwife, the village healer, or thought to be a “witch” for some other reason, she was seen as dangerous and something that needed to be destroyed.

Luckily, at this time and in this country, we are free to be ourselves as women. We can allow our abilities and strengths to be seen by others. And although the chances are becoming slim, we have come closer than ever of having a female President. That gives me hope that we will see it happen in the not too distant future (I hope in my lifetime).

So what is this female power many, men and women alike, seem to be afraid of? I believe it is a force all of us women have dwelling within us. We are nurturing, creative, feeling, psychic creatures! When we need to, we can be gentle, and we can be strong. We can be patient; and we can be assertive. We can heal others, and we can heal ourselves. Our power lies within being our authentic selves.

Why have we lost our true selves? Because we have bought into limiting beliefs about who we are. We have been raised to believe that we are the weaker sex, that our power is somehow “bad,” and to keep our power hidden (and our mouths shut). Some of these beliefs have come from men; some have come, unfortunately, from our own mothers and grandmothers. For most of us, we can become easily distracted by all we “have” to do for others. We can become filled with guilt at the mere thought of taking an afternoon off for ourselves. We are convinced by others that we are being a “pushy bitch” by just asking for what we want. It is time to let go of these beliefs and get more in touch with who we really are. Because the more we reclaim our authenticity as females, the more of a healing force we become.

And wouldn’t you say that this planet needs some healing? The male and female energy of the planet has been off balance for centuries. With the freedoms we have now, there is an opportunity for the pendulum to swing back into alignment. I know we can do it. But we need to stop being afraid and allow ourselves to move forward. Until we as women stop being afraid of our own power, men who are also afraid will continue to try to crush that power. We need to be grateful for the supportive men in our lives, and brave enough to shake some things up!

It all starts with healing ourselves. As you work on yourself, as you clear the blockages in your body, and release limiting beliefs and thoughts you have about yourself and your life, you will realize your power is glorious - something to be celebrated. As each of us take that step, the ripple effects will be amazing.

Ó Jill Miller 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008


When I was in my early twenties and beginning my spiritual quest, one of my favorite books was “Be Here Now” by Ram Dass. He taught that being fully aware of ourselves in the present moment was the path to spiritual enlightenment. Not that much different from the more current teachings of Eckhart Tolle, author of “The Power of Now.”

Both books have made me think, what does all that mean – to be in the present moment, to be enlightened? I’ve discovered that it means stopping the chatter of our minds and experiencing our true selves. Our true selves are divine spirit, not holding onto what has happened in the past or filled with anxiety over what is going to happen in the future.

Let’s talk about the past. All of us, at one time or another, have become stuck there, Maybe the past seems much more pleasant than what we have going on now. Do you know someone who always seems to be talking about the good old days? Most likely they are not happy with their current life, whether it be their work or relationships. Or maybe our past contains painful experiences that we find difficult to let go of or release. Do you know someone who had a hard time in the past and never seemed to get over it? In either case, letting the past hold our thoughts and energy can keep us from being fully self-empowered in the now – able to create what we want in our lives.

How about the future? We can get our energy stuck there as well. It, too, can be a way of avoiding our current life. Know someone who talks big about what they are going to do next, but yet you never see them actually accomplishing anything? Or sometimes we can be so afraid and worried about the future that we become paralyzed and never take any steps forward. Either way, focusing too much on the future can take us away from the true business at hand.

Our power lies in the present moment. This is where we can truly create change and growth in our lives. The mind, or ego, likes to think it’s in control. The more we obsess about the past or the future, the more our “thoughts” tell us we are getting a handle on things – we’ve got our pride over things accomplished in the past and a sense of control over what the future is going to bring. This is an illusion. It is our very “being” that is the creative force behind manifesting, not our ego.

You may ask then, how do I get more into the present moment? Start by paying attention to where your energies are. Notice when you drift back to the past or jump ahead into the future, and gently bring yourself back to now. Feel your body, listen to the sounds around you, experience a good, strong breath in and out. Be happy to be alive in this moment and feel the power that that brings with it.

Meditation can be key in quieting the mind and just feeling yourself as spirit. One technique is to sit in a chair and imagine yourself connected to the earth through your body. Visualize a tree trunk or light beam extending from your body to the earth. Next, repeat the words, “I am.” Your thoughts about a past conversation or what you are going to fix for dinner may intrude now and again, but just bring yourself back to “I am.” With some practice, you will experience the joy of just being.

c Jill Miller 2008

Thursday, July 19, 2007


“If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies.” - Author Unknown

As I move my business from my home to its new professional space, I’m more and more aware of how one seemingly small change can have such a ripple effect. This move is not just affecting the energy of my business, but also my personal growth, the energy in my home, the energy of my son who lives with me, the energy of my clients, and even the energy of the neighborhoods (both old and new) – all for the better, as I see it. As Sheryl Crow sings, “Change will do you good!”

Of course, it doesn’t always feel that way. In fact, sometimes change can feel quite dreadful. We may experience a sense of sadness or lose, fear or confusion. Even when we have instigated or wished for a particular change, it’s not always easy. As French writer Anatole France said, “All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.”

For example, maybe you decide to move to a bigger house. You are excited about the new place, of having more space, and of being closer to work. But, as you start to pack you are caught up in the memories of the good times you had in your old home. It’s the place where you raised your children, the place where family and friends gathered for holidays and birthdays. There is a letting go and grieving that is necessary in order for this new change to take place. It’s like watching our children grow up – we are sad to see the sweet little one-year old disappear as a “big girl” replaces her. At the same time, we are excited to see her world expand as she grows and changes.

In spiritual growth, it can be the same. As we change our belief systems, start to heal ourselves and raise our energy consciousness, we bring about more awareness. We may be more aware of how negative energies affect us, where our blocks and/or emotional pains may originate, or how many more lifetimes we may still have to come back for! As they say, “Ignorance is bliss,” and sometimes it’s not easy becoming more spiritually or psychically aware. We may at times be more comfortable with and miss our “old” self - that is until we get accustomed to the changes we have made.

But, as much as we may resist change, life without it becomes stagnant. I find change exciting and invigorating. As much as taking risk is scary, it’s doubly rewarding. So, get comfortable with your changes, learn to embrace them and let go of the fear of what lies around the next bend. You’ll be much happier as a result.

Ó Jill Miller 2007

Monday, April 09, 2007


There are times in our life when we think, “Why can’t I figure this situation out?” or “Is there a higher purpose to all of this?” We may feel like the universe is dealing us an unplayable hand or have a problem that seems too complex to figure out. We may even sense that there is a part of us that knows the answer, but we just can’t seem to tap into it.

We really do have the answers to all of our quandaries, as we are divine spirit with our own infinite knowledge and spiritual wisdom. By tapping into our “Higher Self,” we can gain understanding – whether that is regarding what to do in a certain situation or in figuring out what lessons there are for us.

The Higher Self is that part of us that sees the bigger picture – the part of us that understands what our life path/purpose is and what direction to take to stay on that path. Unfortunately, when we are born, we often forget why we came here. We are busy figuring out how to be in a physical body and how to relate to the world around us. We may take on others’ beliefs or let our egos get in the way, and forget that we have the ability to heal ourselves.

The great thing is that our Higher Self is always there with us and communicates to us through many means – through our intuition, gut feelings and hunches, or through symbols and unexpected events and people coming into our lives. Our Higher Self wants to be heard and wants to help us. I mean, who better to guide, direct and give us advice than our own Higher Self?

Your Higher Self is not very far away, even if it feels like that at times. When you start to ask the right questions and trust your own answers and instincts, your life can start to change. “But how do you do that?” you might ask. The first step is to calm, ground and quiet yourself down. Think about what you really want to know (formulate the correct question). Ask for the answer and be open to recognizing it. The answer may come to you in the form of a dream, a passage in a book, a friend’s comment, a symbol (such as seeing three eagles in one day, for example), or directly hearing your own inner voice during meditation.

We were all born to live our lives as the fullest expression of who we really are. Partnering with our Higher Self can be the key to manifesting all that we can be.

Ó Jill Miller 2007

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Back when I first started doing this psychic stuff, not that many people knew what a chakra was. Nowadays, it is a fairly common word and most folks know that chakras are energy centers in the body and may know that there are seven main chakras.

Fewer people, however, fully understand the significance of the chakra system and how the condition of our chakras is directly tied into our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, and vice versa.

Here’s how it all works: Say you’ve been promoted at work and are given new responsibilities. Maybe you are wondering if you are up to the challenge ahead of you. Uncertainty and worry begins to set in, and you notice that your stomach has begun to bother you. Your physician would probably say that the stomach upset is caused by stress, but I believe it goes even deeper than that.

What often happens when we are not feeling very self-empowered, is that our third chakra (located in the stomach area) begins to tighten up and shut down. The third chakra contains information regarding how we create what we want in our lives and how much in control we feel over our circumstances. When your “power” chakra is only running at half-throttle, so to speak, you may start to experience stomach upset, fatigue and maybe even a sense of helplessness.

But, by changing the energy in your chakra, your sense of insecurity and even your stomach ache may disappear. It can be helpful to sit down and focus on the chakra, allowing it to relax and visualizing it opening back up. This will help you get your energy back and start to feel capable of the task at hand. Remember, by receiving a chakra cleansing, or by learning to release energy from your own chakras through meditation, you can begin a valuable self-healing process.

Ó Jill Miller 2007

Thursday, December 21, 2006


As the year comes to an end, it’s time to think about what one wants to create for the next one. I am grateful for the great 2006 that I have had (thanks to many of you!) and look forward to a wonderful 2007.

But as I think about creating anew, I also start to think about what blocks I may still be holding onto. Our past life karma can be such a block.

In the past life readings that I do, I’m privileged to get a glimpse of how karmic ties can affect us. I recently did a reading for a young woman (who I will call Sue). She was having trouble with her mother, and I saw a past life they had shared that most definitely affected their relationship now. She told me how her mother never seemed to have enough time for her and always put her own emotional needs before her daughter’s, even when Sue was a young child.

In the past life, Sue was a wealthy socialite. She lived in a large mansion with many servants, held many dinners and events, and was always the life of the party. Sue’s mother was her daughter in that life. She often felt in the shadow of her mother (Sue) and often ignored. Her complaints went unheard and she felt abandoned by her mother.

Interestingly, when Sue was older and on her deathbed, she wanted her daughter there but she never came. She realized, a little too late, how she had treated her daughter and felt guilt and shame about it. She realized for the first time how her daughter must have felt - yearning for some attention, love and support.

Spiritually, they made an agreement to come back together again this current lifetime, but to switch roles. Sue was now the daughter and wanting to make amends. She had been trying to make up for the previous life, staying close to her mom and always trying to please her. Her mom, on the other hand, was still a bit emotionally “stuck,” had never forgiven Sue, and was intent on paying her back. I also saw that they had lived other lives as well where they had played out these same karmic issues.

The thing about karma is - we can heal it. We can allow ourselves to learn from our relationships with others, and to let go of guilt, shame and anger from the past lives we’ve shared. I watched as Sue energetically started to let go of her part of it, to change their agreement as spirit, and to create balance in their relationship.

As the new year begins, think about looking at your relationships with new eyes as well. Ask yourself if your “contract,” or spiritual agreement needs updating with that person. Be in the present moment with them, letting go of past karma and creating something fresh and new.

Ó Jill Miller 2006