Monday, April 09, 2007


There are times in our life when we think, “Why can’t I figure this situation out?” or “Is there a higher purpose to all of this?” We may feel like the universe is dealing us an unplayable hand or have a problem that seems too complex to figure out. We may even sense that there is a part of us that knows the answer, but we just can’t seem to tap into it.

We really do have the answers to all of our quandaries, as we are divine spirit with our own infinite knowledge and spiritual wisdom. By tapping into our “Higher Self,” we can gain understanding – whether that is regarding what to do in a certain situation or in figuring out what lessons there are for us.

The Higher Self is that part of us that sees the bigger picture – the part of us that understands what our life path/purpose is and what direction to take to stay on that path. Unfortunately, when we are born, we often forget why we came here. We are busy figuring out how to be in a physical body and how to relate to the world around us. We may take on others’ beliefs or let our egos get in the way, and forget that we have the ability to heal ourselves.

The great thing is that our Higher Self is always there with us and communicates to us through many means – through our intuition, gut feelings and hunches, or through symbols and unexpected events and people coming into our lives. Our Higher Self wants to be heard and wants to help us. I mean, who better to guide, direct and give us advice than our own Higher Self?

Your Higher Self is not very far away, even if it feels like that at times. When you start to ask the right questions and trust your own answers and instincts, your life can start to change. “But how do you do that?” you might ask. The first step is to calm, ground and quiet yourself down. Think about what you really want to know (formulate the correct question). Ask for the answer and be open to recognizing it. The answer may come to you in the form of a dream, a passage in a book, a friend’s comment, a symbol (such as seeing three eagles in one day, for example), or directly hearing your own inner voice during meditation.

We were all born to live our lives as the fullest expression of who we really are. Partnering with our Higher Self can be the key to manifesting all that we can be.

Ó Jill Miller 2007