Thursday, January 10, 2008


When I was in my early twenties and beginning my spiritual quest, one of my favorite books was “Be Here Now” by Ram Dass. He taught that being fully aware of ourselves in the present moment was the path to spiritual enlightenment. Not that much different from the more current teachings of Eckhart Tolle, author of “The Power of Now.”

Both books have made me think, what does all that mean – to be in the present moment, to be enlightened? I’ve discovered that it means stopping the chatter of our minds and experiencing our true selves. Our true selves are divine spirit, not holding onto what has happened in the past or filled with anxiety over what is going to happen in the future.

Let’s talk about the past. All of us, at one time or another, have become stuck there, Maybe the past seems much more pleasant than what we have going on now. Do you know someone who always seems to be talking about the good old days? Most likely they are not happy with their current life, whether it be their work or relationships. Or maybe our past contains painful experiences that we find difficult to let go of or release. Do you know someone who had a hard time in the past and never seemed to get over it? In either case, letting the past hold our thoughts and energy can keep us from being fully self-empowered in the now – able to create what we want in our lives.

How about the future? We can get our energy stuck there as well. It, too, can be a way of avoiding our current life. Know someone who talks big about what they are going to do next, but yet you never see them actually accomplishing anything? Or sometimes we can be so afraid and worried about the future that we become paralyzed and never take any steps forward. Either way, focusing too much on the future can take us away from the true business at hand.

Our power lies in the present moment. This is where we can truly create change and growth in our lives. The mind, or ego, likes to think it’s in control. The more we obsess about the past or the future, the more our “thoughts” tell us we are getting a handle on things – we’ve got our pride over things accomplished in the past and a sense of control over what the future is going to bring. This is an illusion. It is our very “being” that is the creative force behind manifesting, not our ego.

You may ask then, how do I get more into the present moment? Start by paying attention to where your energies are. Notice when you drift back to the past or jump ahead into the future, and gently bring yourself back to now. Feel your body, listen to the sounds around you, experience a good, strong breath in and out. Be happy to be alive in this moment and feel the power that that brings with it.

Meditation can be key in quieting the mind and just feeling yourself as spirit. One technique is to sit in a chair and imagine yourself connected to the earth through your body. Visualize a tree trunk or light beam extending from your body to the earth. Next, repeat the words, “I am.” Your thoughts about a past conversation or what you are going to fix for dinner may intrude now and again, but just bring yourself back to “I am.” With some practice, you will experience the joy of just being.

c Jill Miller 2008